
HILLS LTS allows you to adjust the formula settlement/ payment to the needs of the Customer. Used by the Company forms of payment (rates) are dependent on the characteristics and nature of the case. HILLS LTS offers Customers (in principle) one of the following forms of settlement: Fixed remuneration
For the performance of legal services a Client is obliged to pay a fixed amount to HILLS LTS. Established with the client remuneration is not dependent on the type and time entrusted to the assigned job. The advantages of the above form of remuneration are: ease of settlement and certain legal costs. Hourly wage
For the performance of legal services a Client is obliged to pay compensation to HILLS LTS, calculation based on a fixed hourly rate. The Customer is informed about the actual incurred effort in a mutually settled way. The choice of this form of remuneration obliges HILLS LTS to keep detailed cards of time sheets. An important advantage of this form of compensation is the adequacy of the remuneration to the expenditure of time necessary for the execution of the commissioned tasks and, moreover, provides the Customer with  full monitoring of the order costs.

Hybrid payment
Client sets with HILLS LTS flat salary but the amount is strictly connected with the actual time-consumptionof the commissioned job. If the execution of the service goes beyond the number of hours covered by the lump sum, payment is calculated on an hourly basis, based on a fixed rate (generally less than the hourly settlement adopted as the sole base salary). In this form of accounting, the Company is also keeping time sheets.

Payment dependent on the success (success fee)
In some cases (eg in reference to Zabuzanskie property, left beyond The Bug River, and real estate in Warsaw) it is possible to determine the remuneration dependent on the success, ie a fixed percentage of the amount effectively received.

The above-mentioned remuneration models are given by way of example. In all cases the payment is determined individually, depending on the interest of the Customer.